Amadeusz Świerk

Photographer's portfolio




  • Festival della Fotografia Etica. Single Photo. Shortlist
  • Grand Press Photo. “The Miracle District” long-term project. Second place
  • Sony World Photography Awards. Portrait in open category. Finalist


  • Tokyo International Photo Awards. „The Miracle District” long-term project. Honorable Mention
  • 5th Chelsea International Photography Competition. Single photo. Finalist
  • Royal Photographic Society Documentary Awards. „The Miracle District” long-term project. Shortlist in Open category
  • Px3 Prix De La Photographie Paris. „The Miracle District” long-term project. Bronze in Press category
  • Budapest International Photo Awards. „The Miracle District” long-term project. Silver in Photo Essay category
  • Budapest International Photo Awards. „The Shack” long-term project. Silver in People / Lifestyle category
  • Urban Photo Awards. „The Miracle District” long-term project. Finalist in Projects and Portfolio category
  • Urban Photo Awards. „The Shack” long-term project. Finalist in Projects and Portfolio category
  • International Photography Awards. „The Miracle District” long-term project. Honorable mention
  • Kuala Lumpur Photo Awards. Single Photo. Finalist
  • Monovision Awards. “The Shack” long-term project. Honorable mention
  • Phodar Biennale. „The Miracle District” long-term project. Distinction
  • Grand Press Photo. “The Shack” long-term project. Second place
  • Belfast Photo Festival. “The Miracle District” long-term project. Shortlist – Highly Commended


  • Annual Photo Awards. Photojournalism. Honorable mention


  • Trieste Photo Days. Longlist
  • International Photo Competition “All The Children of the World”. Silver medal
  • “Etnoklimaty” ethnographic photo competition. Shortlist
  • IMA next, Memories. Shortlist


  • Polish Student Photography Competition. Grand Prix, Reportage
  • Incredible National Geographic Photography Competition. Third place



  • Kyiv Independent. „In heavily shelled Kupiansk, some choose to stay despite constant risk of killing” story
  • Press. “The Miracle District” long-term project
  • Dodho Magazine. “The Miracle District” long-term project
  • All About Photo. “The Miracle District” long-term project


  • Docu Magazine. “The Shack” long-term project
  • “Fotografia” quarterly newspaper. “The Shack” long-term project



  • Agora Gallery, New York. Single Photo. Group exhibition
  • „Here and There, Two Realities”, Unna town hall. Group exhibition about war in Ukraine
  • Phodar Biennale. „The Miracle District” long-term project. Group exhibition


  • Ethnographic Museum, Toruń. Single photo


  • First Wrocław Photography Review. “The Shack” long-term project and “Iranian Nomads” photoreportage


  • Homeless Gallery, Kalisz. Single photo

Mentoring programmes and portfolio reviews:


  • Private mentoring programme with Ewa Meissner
  • Pix House. Documentary photography workshop


  • II Hamburg Portfolio Review
  • III Jastrzębie Zdrój Documentary Photography School. ”The Miracle District” long-term project development
  • “Disagreement With Hate” workshop on the work ethic of documentarian with Adam and Dyba Lach


  • Canon Students Development Programme. “The Shack” long-term project

© 2024 Amadeusz Świerk