Amadeusz Świerk

Photographer's portfolio

  • The Bukovina's gentle hills covered with meadows provide excellent conditions for grazing animals.

  • Mrs. Waselena always has something special for unexpected guests. She is one of the oldest people in the Polish community.

  • Eggs prepared for painting. The tradition of applying designs to Easter eggs using hot wax is still popular in the Carpathian Mountains.

  • First primroses placed on a fence as a Easter decoration.

  • Most people in rural parts of Bukovina derive their livelihoods from agriculture and animal herding.

  • Rock carvings by Bolesław Majerik near the village of Plesa.

  • Bolesław Majerik, a folk sculptor working in wood. He is known not only in the Polish community - he collaborates with many Carpathian artists.

  • The chapel located underground in the historic Kaczyka salt mine, where the first Polish settlers arrived in the 18th century.

  • The interior of the historic Kaczyka salt mine, where the first Polish settlers arrived in the 18th century.

  • The Polish community is strongly concentrated not only around the Polish Houses, which bring together the Polish community, but also the Catholic Church.

  • Polish population in Bukovina slowly decreases – due to the better perspectives many young people decide to move to Poland. Mostly old people stay, living from farming and animal herding.

  • Many people still live in traditional karpathian houses.

  • Polish and Romanian youngsters playing football. After growing up, many of them will probably emigrate looking for better living conditions.


Polish minority in Romania

Most of the Polish people immigrated to Bukovina, region located on the northern slopes of the central Eastern Carpathians after 1774 to work in salt mines in Cacica. Another wave of Polish immigration arrived in Bukovina in the early 19th century, when the region was a crownland of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Today Poles concentrate mainly in the villages of Suceava County. There are three exclusively Polish villages: Nowy Sołoniec, Plesza and Pojana Mikuli, as well a significant Polish presence in Kaczyca and Paltynosa. Poles in Romania form an officially recognised national minority, having one seat in the Chamber of Deputies of Romania and access to Polish elementary schools and cultural centres known as „Polish Houses”. They attach great importance to tradition, publishing their own magazine and organizing many cultural events. However, it’s an aging society and their population slowly decreases – due to the better perspectives many young people decide to move to Poland. Mostly old people stay, living from farming and animal herding.

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